Being friendly with the ecosystem is increasingly important in our life, if we stop for a moment to look at many products on the market we can see that this term is in many places and with many brands, from grocery products to listings of houses and way of vacationing But what does it really mean to be eco-friendly?

The simplest way of being able to indicate that we are ecological is to indicate that it is not just a brand or seal but a way of living concerned about the impact of our actions on what surrounds us, especially the environment, which is why at Royal Cartton We are concerned not to harm the environment and to prevent our interaction with it from being toxic or harmful, it is not just a brand or idea but to become aware from the production processes to the distribution of the products and subsequent waste that is generated. Being friendly with the ecosystem implies becoming aware at the corporate level of the importance that our interaction with the environment has in the medium and long term, it goes beyond some simple measures such as saving electricity, separating waste; it implies a deep awareness of not harming animals or conducting tests on them both in the manufacturing processes and with the waste released into the environment.

An ecological process seeks a green life in every sense, it helps to conserve energy, prevent water, air and noise pollution. At Royal Cartton, being friendly with the ecosystem also means avoiding the deterioration of human health, supporting campaigns to support ecological causes and promoting this style in our collaborators.

Département Technique Commercial

Nos départements, techniques et commerciaux, présentent une forte valeur ajoutée en faisant le lien entre la zone commerciale et la zone technique. Chercher à fournir un excellent service à nos clients grâce à nos connaissances, notre expérience et notre implication.

Les équipes techniques et commerciales travaillent en coordination afin d'être en communication constante avec nos clients pour établir la meilleure solution pour leurs besoins de travail quotidiens.

Notre processus de développement commence par l'étude des besoins de nos clients par l'équipe de professionnels de Royal Cartton.
Une fois la meilleure solution déterminée, nous communiquons avec nos clients et nous proposer l'option la mieux adaptée à vos besoins.
Pour tester la solution, nous établissons un protocole de test chez le client, réalisant conjointement les tests nécessaires dans le but de résoudre les difficultés techniques et les doutes qui peuvent survenir lors de ces tests.

De Royal Cartton nous voulons garantir le bon fonctionnement et les performances de nos files d'attente dans le but ultime d'atteindre la satisfaction de tous nos clients.


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